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Kibera-0215 Judith Adhiambo Hamala

Judith Adhiambo resides in Soweto Kibera with her five children in a dwelling that costs $13/month. She separated from her husband due to the health struggles of their last child, who suffered from epilepsy and severe convulsions.


Her children include Raphael, a 23-year-old college student; Martha, a 20-year-old currently undertaking her final examinations in grade 12; Jaspar, an 18-year-old boy advancing to grade 12 next year; Lydia, a 16-year-old girl who recently completed her grade 8 examinations, and Wilson, a 14-year-old boy attending a special school due to his condition.


Judith currently sells vegetables through hawking. She faces significant challenges in raising school fees and caring for her special needs child while juggling her daily responsibilities. The family actively participates in their local church, finding a sense of community and support within their spiritual congregation. Your support will help meet this family’s basic needs and give them hope for the future!

Kibera-0215 Judith Adhiambo Hamala

Price Options
Family Sponsorship
$50.00every month until canceled
  • Thank you for partnering with us to preserve families and prevent orphans in Kenya. Sponsorship is a $50/month commitment and meets the basic and immediate needs of your sponsored family.


    You will be receiving a Welcome Packet in the mail shortly after sponsoring a family. It will contain a prayer card for your family as well as additional information on our program. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have.

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