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Bulbula-0146 Birhan Gebru

Meet Birhan and her little boy Alazar. Birhan is a single mother who lost her husband due to tuberculosis. She works tirelessly to take care of Alazar by washing clothes throughout her neighborhood. But this only brings in about $43 a month. Her small income doesn’t provide much for them. They live in a tiny room with dirt floors, and they are lacking nutritious food. With your help they can have the resources they need to thrive. They will be given healthy, nutritious food and an opportunity for Birhan to open her own small business. Your sponsorship will turn their lives around and give this mother the help she so desperately needs.

Bulbula-0146 Birhan Gebru

Price Options
Family Sponsorship
$50.00every month until canceled
  • Thank you for partnering with us to preserve families and prevent orphans in Ethiopia. Sponsorship is a $50/month commitment and meets the basic and immediate needs of your sponsored family.


    You will be receiving a Welcome Packet in the mail shortly after sponsoring a family. It will contain a prayer card for your family as well as additional information on our program. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have.

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