u.s. sTAFF

President, jbutler@m127.org
Jeff and his wife Chris are parents to eleven children, many through the blessing of adoption both domestically and from Ethiopia and China. God has given them a heart for the fatherless and a desire to share with the church about how we all can more effectively engage in orphan prevention rather than focusing primarily on orphan care.

Vice President, ebauer@m127.org
Ethan became passionate about orphan prevention after his first visit to Ethiopia in 2010. Being a successful business professional himself, he is driven to see all families in our program achieve long term self-sufficiency through launching and growing small business enterprises. Ethan and his wife, Patty, have two children and their entire family has had the opportunity to serve in Ethiopia with Mission 1:27.

Board Member
Kelsey and Mark have been married for 16 years and have three amazing children; Markus, age 12, Zavion, age 10 and Halle Joy, age 10. Mark serves as the Worship and Arts Pastor of Lake City Community Church and Kelsey is a middle school math and science teacher at Heritage Christian School. Kelsey is passionate about Jesus, serving and enjoying her family, educating kids with a biblical worldview, and adoption and foster care. It is an immense joy and privilege of hers to serve vulnerable families in Ethiopia and to join in Kingdom, life changing work in a country she loves so much.

Board Member
Larry Hurt and his wife Tammy have seven children, two of which are twins adopted from Ethiopia. He is recently retired from a long and very successful career in pharmaceutical sales. Larry is a strong believer and has been an elder and leader at his church for many years. His business background and heart for the orphan keep him focused on keeping families together.

Sponsor Care Specialist, mcraighead@m127.org
Morgan is responsible for sponsor care and interacts with our U.S. Sponsors on a daily basis. She also works closely with our Ethiopia Staff to obtain family updates and monitor the progress of our Ethiopian families. Morgan and her husband Ben have four children and have adopted from Ethiopia.

Jessica holds her CPA license and has been working with non-profits the majority of her 12-year accounting career. She loves Jesus and feels so grateful to work with an organization whose mission is to further the Kingdom. Jessica and her husband Shelton have 3 precious babies.

In-Country Program Director
Abebe has been Mission 1:27’s In-Country Program Director since its beginning in 2012. Abebe spent many years working for the Ethiopian Government as a Hydrogeologist before joining Mission 1:27. Abebe is responsible for the execution of Mission 1:27’s vision in Ethiopia. He oversees all operations, project areas, and staff. Abebe reports directly to the Mission 1:27 Board of Directors in the U.S. Abebe is married to his beautiful wife Abonesh, and they have five amazing children. Abebe is a man of deep faith and integrity, possessing a genuine humility and heart for the widow, orphan, and the lost of Ethiopia.

Accountant & Business Manager
Abonesh, wife of Abebe, has served alongside her husband since the beginning of Mission 1:27. She previously served as the chief accountant of the largest Christian Church in Ethiopia before joining Mission 1:27. She has vast experience and expertise in accounting and business development. Abonesh oversees all Mission 1:27 in-Country finances, reporting, and accounting. She also leads our Micro Business Program. Abonesh is a very gifted and graceful woman reflecting all of the beauty of Ethiopia. She is an amazing mother to her five children.

Business Manager Shashemene
Ephrem is project coordinator for all the work done by our organization in the southern region of Ethiopia. He has a Master’s Degree in Community Development, which is just perfect for the work he is currently doing. His education, prior experiences with non-profits, and his ability to effectively interface with government officials makes him a key leader. Ephrem is married and has two little girls. Their family is active in Gospel Light Church in Shashemene and Ephrem serves in several leadership capacities and also on the worship team.

Dembidollo Church Partner
Geremew is a man of integrity and vision who demonstrates with action his heart for children, the downtrodden and the unsaved. It is his influence that ignited Mission 1:27 when we saw his churches giving what little they had to help the orphans in their neighborhoods. He also encourages Ethiopian Christians to adopt orphans in their communities and give them a family. Geremew is married and has two sons and one daughter that is adopted. He is the head of 235 Full Gospel churches in the Dembidollo region and oversees a Bible college.

Dembidollo Case Manager
This man of faith is passionate about helping the poor. He has a Bachelor’s degree and is very active in his church. He’s done an outstanding job implementing this program in his community.

Dembidollo Case Manager
Abinesh is particularly well-suited to her position as case manager because she is trained as a nurse. This single woman is a hard worker, easily registers compassion and is a strong believer.

Bole Bulbula Church Partner
Reuben is an evangelist who is now leading the Bole Bulbula church.This delightful young man was a nurse before being called into the ministry. He is working on completion of his theology degree and he loves to lead worship.

Bole Bulbula Case Manager
Demiss is a man who has a heart for the poor and is thankful that he can work with Adoption Ministry 1:27 in his “village” area of Bole Bulbula. Demiss is not married but would like to be! Before working with Mission 1:27, he worked at his church in finance and administration putting his diploma degree in accounting to good use. We are grateful to have this man of integrity who has a heart for God part of our team!

Shashemene Church Partner
Mulugeta Yilma was born in Shashemene and has also raised his own family here. He has two grown sons and a lovely wife named Kasech. He has a degree in Theology and loves his job of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with his congregation at the Shashemene Gospel Light Ministry Church.

Shashemene Case Manager
Dereje Wondimgizaw is the married father of two boys. Nine years ago he asked Christ to be his Lord and Savior and ever since he has been very involved in his local church, Shashemene Gospel Light Church. He sings in the choir, leads worship, is on the children’s ministry advisory board and attends bible study. He studied computers in school and also holds a certificate in Management.

Area #6 Case Manager
Pastor Woriso oversees the Mission 1:27 Project area of Gutumuma. He is a vibrant and energetic man, full of passion for the work of preventing orphans and empowering families. He previously worked in Land Management for the Ethiopian Government. A few years ago, Woriso felt called into full-time ministry and began serving as the pastor of the Gutumuma Church. Wariso is a long-time childhood friend of Abebe and a trusted partner with Mission 1:27. We are thankful to have this man overseeing our work in this project area.

Area #6 Case Manager
Tesfaye has been working alongside the evangelists in this area for many years and is well known and well liked in the village. He has a huge burden for the people of this area. Tesfaye is married with children and lives in Bulbula. He and the pastor of the church work closely together bringing humanitarian relief coupled with intentional prayer demonstrating Christ’s love for these precious people. Traditional village homes dot the rural landscape, and Tesfaye and Pastor Worisso have a motorcycle to access the families served by Mission 1:27.