Hawi's family has recently lost sponsorship in our program. Hawi and her husband Chala live in Gutumuma with their 3 children. Abatu is 16 years old and in 7th grade, Roza is 10 years old and in 3rd grade, and Daniel is 7 years old in 1st grade. They make their income from farming. They own only on young bull that has not started ploughing. So, they plough their land by renting oxen from other owners when available and free. Hawi has received a microloan and started raising and selling goats in the FHI Small Business Program. Her family is working hard towards becoming self-sustaining. Monthly support will ensure stability as they focus on their business and future success.
Gutumuma-0055 Hawi Abu
Thank you for partnering with us to preserve families and prevent orphans in Kenya. Sponsorship is a $50/month commitment and meets the basic and immediate needs of your sponsored family.
You will be receiving a Welcome Packet in the mail shortly after sponsoring a family. It will contain a prayer card for your family as well as additional information on our program. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have.